Translation Memory Management
Why Translate Your Content Twice?

Get it right the first time with GlobalLink translation memory management. We help localization teams deliver high-quality in-language content with greater consistency and efficiency, while reducing overall costs and slashing turnaround time.
Easily scale your global content with our enterprise platform for translation memory
Thanks to GlobalLink’s scalable translation memory technology, you will never again have to translate the same content twice. Make your content matter as you share translations in real-time across your organization and with external suppliers. Server-based translation memory combined with our online translation editing environment gives translation teams the ability to work faster and smarter while maintaining translation quality and consistency. In this case, the first time is the charm.
- Increased Efficiency and Cost Savings
- Improved Consistency and Quality
- Faster Time to Market
- Enhanced Visibility and Control
- Simplified Collaboration
- Reduced Risk of Errors
Preview all the globallization solutions we offer

How can I reduce translation costs without sacrificing quality?
GlobalLink can manage translation memory to help automate the localization process, save time and money, and spark the highest level of quality and consistency in every deliverable.